Tuesday, June 8, 2010

10lbs in June Update and Dealing with Temptation

So, in my efforts to lose 10lbs this month, I have been staying under my daily WW points and going to the gym at least 4 times a week. So far, so good!

There has been quite a lot of temptation! Saturday with the baby shower and BBQ, it was quite the effort to stay away from the chips, the spinach dip (that I made!), and the desserts - but I succeeded!

I think I may be driving my bf crazy because whenever there's a commercial on for something I would like to eat but can't (think chocolate and desserts, and Red Lobster!) I get VERY whiny ;)

This morning, we had a meeting, and what's a morning meeting without donuts? Well, I stayed away from those too! I pretty much stick to my Thinsations when I have a craving, and so far, I'm doing ok. I hope my willpower lasts!!!

TTFN, Morgaine.

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